Homeless people in the alley.
Lucifer comes on.
Lucifer apologizes for deleting threads on the forum.
"How could anything with a woman be gay?"
If you like wrestling, Mr. Right likes you.
Tombstone piledriver is an instant kill.
Bropocalypse's 67-year-old mom bought herself a PS3 for christmas.
Mr. Right doesn't like people who sit on their ass all day.
Lucifer's mom with autism comes on.
The blind poop guy hangs up on us.
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The individuals on this web site can shape history by changing the perception of psychiatry as a safe profession that has few abuses of power. Its abuses of power are endemic, they are built into the structure of its philosophy and resulting medical care.
Almost 4 up from lasts weeks HB3.8
The first 30 minutes were very listenable,I liked the theme of the last 20 minutes but skipped most of it because it did get boring. the show was good overall. Lucifer was way funnier than last week, Brocop not boring this week, his vocal tonaity was interesting, the music at the start when you talk is good for the flow of the show, some good topics and i think this show will have better longetivity than any other show so far. Podcastlol is starting to get its own style now. Mr right had some very interesting things to say.